Conversations Between
Four Black Abolitionist Music Makers
Imagine the conversations Ignatius Sancho, (1729 – 1780), Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de St. Georges (1745 – 1799), Solomon Northrup, (1807/8 – 1864), and Frederick Douglass, (1818 -1895) would have if they could have met. These amazing change-makers were all musically gifted and affected the dominant thought of their day. "Conversations Between Four Black Music-Makers Who Helped Bring About Abolition" will invite a thoughtful consideration of Black history as it has either been remembered, or generally forgotten or hidden away, and explore some of the reasons why. Through an immersive experience of Black history using music, theatre, and mixed media arts, the audience will learn about the lives, countries, times, systemic laws, and iconic contributions of these amazing people. Pre-show interactive immersive activities will take place in the lobby at the showtime listed, with the theatrical production beginning one hour later. Throughout the production, USC groups will play music either composed by the historical figures themselves, associated with them in historical documentation, or of the era in which they lived. Following the formal presentation, the audience will be invited to converse with our musical Black abolitionists and engage further in the discoveries the production uncovers. Immersive activities will begin one hour before the showtime listed, in the lobbies.
Premiere February 1, 2025, Immersive Activities 4:00 pm, Play 5:00 pm
North Carolina Museum of Art, SECU Auditorium
February 8, 2025, Immersive Activities 3:00 pm, Play 4:00 pm
St. Mark's Community Center
February 16, 2025, Immersive Activities 3:00 pm, Play 4:00 pm
Carrboro Century Center
See our events listing for more details.
Charles Ignatius Sancho
1729-1780, England
The first Black person to vote in England, Sancho talents as a writer and composer changed British society's opinion of the slave trade and slavery. His letters were published “to produce remorse in every enlightened reader”.
Joseph Bologne,
Chevalier de St. Georges
1745 - 1799 France and England
A violin and fencing virtuoso, his music rivaled Mozart's in the French Court of Marie Antoinette. Saint-Georges fought for racial equality in France and England. He became involved with the growing anti-slavery movement in Britain and established a French abolitionist group called the Société des Amis des Noirs (Society of the Friends of Black People)
Solomon Northrup
1807/8 – 1864, United States
His experience as free man abducted into slavery , as described in his best selling account "Twelve Years A Slave", furthered the cause of abolition by countering the narrative that slaves were happy and well cared for. Playing his violin helped him endure the long years of bondage.
Frederick Douglass
1818 -1895, United States
Tireless in his work to effect change in a United States degraded by slavery, Douglass also played the violin and sang beautifully. His grandson became a concert violinist.
This project is supported by a United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County Community Spotlight Grant. United Strings of Color is supported by the United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County.
The following organizations are partnering with us for this project.
North Carolina Museum of Art
Forge Friends
Frederick Douglass Foundation
The North Carolina Museum of Art is hosting our premiere in the SECU Auditorium. They are also supporting this project through Audio-Visual Staff expertise, additional rehearsal time in the auditorium, and ticket sales.
Our thanks to Moses T. Alexander Greene, Director of Performing Arts & Film; Jeffery Yelverton, Manager of Music Programming; and Luke Mehaffie, Audio-Visual Staff for their kind support and assistance.
The non-profit arm of Forge Fencing, based in Durham, seeks to build equitable and sustainable sports communities. They have taken on the unique social responsibilities that competitive sport programs can play in our understanding of fairness and justice. Forge knows that communities thrive when they nourish our innate human desire to excel while being inclusive and accountable.
With an alignment of purpose with United Strings of Color's message in our play, Conversations Between Four Black Music-Makers Who Helped Bring About Abolition, Forge has agreed to coach our Chevalier actor in his fencing movements and provide 14 young fencers to participate during the three performances of the play. A special thanks to Annette Moore, Forge Foundation President.
The Frederick Douglass Foundation is an education and public policy organization that brings the sanctity of free market and limited government ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing our nation. They are collection of conservative, pro-active individuals committed to developing innovative approaches to today's problems with the assistance of community activists, scholars, faith leaders and elected officials.
The Frederick Douglass Foundation of North Carolina will enhance our immersive activities in the lobbies by staffing a table and contributing information about the life and times of Frederick Douglass.